
The "Verein zur Förderung des ZOEK e.V." has members of various research institutes, small and medium-sized enterprises, large companies, and financial institutions. It is one of the owners of the Center of Organic Electronics Cologne - ZOEK gGmbH, besides the Ideas Factory Cologne (IFC) GmbH.

Center of Organic Electronics Cologne - ZOEK

The goal of the ZOEK is to link basic research carried out at the university to industrial pre-development.

Exciting new scientific results and processes developed at the university will be carried on to a level, where companies can take over in order to actually develop commercial products.

In the future, there will be close collaboration between the University of Cologne and the ZOEK. In collaborative R&D projects, the University will focus on research while the ZOEK will focus on development.

Last Update: 2018/09/02 18:42 AssociationContactImprintData Privacy Statement